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Main Menu > Debtors > Integrated Payments > Integrated Payment Token Maintenance


The Integrated Payment Token Maintenance program can be used to create and maintain integrated payment tokens.


Enter the token ID for the integrated payment token you would like to maintain or when creating a new integrated payment token click the New button.


Integrated Payment Token Maintenance Screen

Integrated Payment Token Maintenance Screen


Number 1

Token ID – The unique Integrated Payment Token ID.

Number 2

Token Details:

Customer - The customer code or click magnifying glass to search.

Del Code - The delivery code the integrated payment token will process payments for, leave blank to process payments for all delivery codes.

First Name - First name of the person authorising the integrated payment token.

Surname - Surname of the person authorising the integrated payment token.

Email Address - Email address of the person authorising the integrated payment token. This email address is used to send BBS Payment Receipts to for payments made with this token.

Country - The country of issue for the credit/debit card.

Number 3

Card Details:

Pmt Provider - The payment provider. Clicking the drop down arrow allows users to select a different payment provider.

Token Ref - Displays the integrated payment token reference number from the payment provider (once created)

Card Number - Displays a masked version of the registered card number (once created).

Expiry Date - Displays the expiration date of the registered card (once created)

Capture Card Details - Allows users to enter new card details or replace an existing card on a token with another card.

Example Capture Card Details Screen (Eway Tokens)

Example Capture Card Details Screen (Eway Tokens)


Update Expiry Date - Allows users to update expiration date and/or CVN of registered card.

Example Update Card Details Screen (Eway Tokens)

Example Update Card Details Screen (Eway Tokens)


Number 4

Save - Saves the integrated payment token or any changes made to an existing integrated payment token.

Clear - Clears the current screen allowing users to select another integrated payment token.

Delete - Deletes the selected integrated payment token.

Listing - Exports a list of integrated payment tokens to an excel spreadsheet.


To Amend an integrated payment token enter the token ID for the integrated payment token that you would like to amend or click the magnifying glass to search for the integrated payment token, make the changes and click Save.


To Delete an integrated payment token enter the token ID for the integrated payment token that you would like to delete or click the magnifying glass to search for the integrated payment token and click Delete.


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