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Main Menu > Sales Analysis > Maintenance > Market Code Maintenance


Market Codes can be created and maintained using Market Code Maintenance.


Enter the unique code for the market code you would like to maintain or when creating a new market code enter a new unique market code and the prompt shown below will appear, select Yes to create.


Market Code


Complete the fields for the market code as shown below.


Market Code Maintenance


Number 1

Market Code – Displays the unique market code

Number 2

Description – Displays the description of the market code

Number 3

Save - If clicked the record will be saved into BBS.

Clear - If clicked the details of the record will be cleared to enable new details to be entered.

Delete - If clicked the record will be removed from BBS.

Listing - If clicked a list of saved Market Codes will be exported to an excel spreadsheet.

Close - If clicked the record will close without saving any changes that have been made.


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