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Main Menu > Inventory Control > Price Adjustments > Price Grid Maintenance


The Price Grid Maintenance program allows users to create a sell price grid based on either mark up or gross profit for a particular product group.


Price Grid Maintenance Screen

Price Grid Maintenance Screen


Number 1

Product Group - The Product Group of which the sell price grid is being created/maintained

Percentage is -

Mark-Up - Will create the sell price grid based on mark-up

Gross Profit - Will create the sell price grid based on gross profit

Rounding -

Nearest - Will round the calculated pricing to the nearest cent or dollar dependant on the selected Round To option

Up - Will round the calculated pricing up to the nearest cent/dollar dependant on the selected Round To option

Down - Will round the calculated pricing down to the nearest cent/dollar dependant on the selected Round To option

Round To -

Cent - Will round the calculated pricing to the nearest/up/down cent dependant on the selected Rounding option

Dollar - Will round the calculated pricing to the nearest/up/down dollar dependant on the selected Rounding option

Mark Price End In - Will make the calculated price  end in the selected value entered in Price End In

Price End In - The value the prices will end in if Mark Price End In option is selected

Number 2

Cost Less Than $ - The maximum cost value that the Mark-Up/Gross Profit % Increase will apply to

% Increase - The percentage increase to be applied to the Cost Less Than $ amount

Add - Will add the selected price grid to the selected product group

Clear - Will clear/delete the selected price grid from the selected product group

Number 3

Pricing Grid - Displays the price grid for the selected product group

Number 4

Save - Will save the price grid for the selected product group

Clear - Will clear the screen allowing users to select another product group

Delete - Will delete the selected product group pricing grid

Calculate New Prices - Navigates users to the Sell Price Update via Grid screen to calculate the new prices

Listing - Will export a list of the saved price grid for the selected product group to an Excel Spreadsheet


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