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Reports Menu > Debtors > Debtors Aged Trial Balance


The Debtors Aged Trial Balance allows users with access to generate a report showing debtor balances and ageing.


Debtors Aged Trial Balance Screen

Debtors Aged Trial Balance Screen


Parameter Name


Starting Customer

Ending Customer

Starting Account Manager

Ending Account Manager

Starting Market Code

Ending Market Code

Selected Customer Groups

Selected Terms Codes

Parameters to restrict the customers you wish to see on the report.

Debtors Period

The Debtors Period in which to run the report. Selecting a period prior to the current debtors period will run the report showing the debtors position as at the end of the period selected.

Customer Over 30/60/90/120 Days

All - All ageing will be displayed for debtors using the selected parameters.

30 Days - Only debtors with balances in 30 Days or greater ageing will be displayed using the selected parameters.

60 Days - Only debtors with balances in 60 Days or greater ageing will be displayed using the selected parameters.

90 Days - Only debtors with balances in 90 Days or greater ageing will be displayed using the selected parameters.

120+ Days - Only debtors with balances in 120+ Days ageing will be displayed using the selected parameters.

Show Credit Balance Accounts

Yes - Debtor accounts with a negative balance will be included in the report.

No - Debtor accounts with a negative balance will NOT be included in the report.

Show Zero Balance Accounts

Yes - Debtor accounts with a zero balance will be included in the report.

No - Debtor accounts with a zero balance will NOT be included in the report.

Print Last Call History Comment

Yes - Will print the last call history comment.

No - Will not print the last call history comment.

Sort By

Customer - The report will sort and display by Customer.

Alpha Code - The report will sort and display by customer Alpha Code.

Rep Code (Customer) - The report will sort and display by customer Rep Code.

Market Code - The report will sort and display by Market Code.

Customer Group - The report will sort and display by Customer Group.

Terms Code - The report will sort and display by Debtors Terms Code.

Summary/Details/Totals Only

Summary - Generates a summarised report of debtor balances.

Detail - Generates a detailed report of debtor balances.

Totals Only - Generates a report showing ageing totals only.

New Page per Section

Yes - When printed the report will print on separate pages when sorted by any of the Sort By parameters excluding Customer.


When the required parameters have been entered, the Debtors Aged Trial Balance will be generated.


Example of Debtors Aged Trial Balance - Detail

Example of Debtors Aged Trial Balance - Detail


Example of Debtors Aged Trial Balance - Summary 

Example of Debtors Aged Trial Balance - Summary 


Example of Debtors Aged Trial Balance - Totals Only

Example of Debtors Aged Trial Balance - Totals Only


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