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Main Menu > Managed Print Services > Generate Meter Reading Invoices


The Generate Meter Reading Invoices program allows users to generate managed print services meter reading invoices for managed print services.


Meter Reading Billing Screen

Meter Reading Billing Screen


Number 1

Readings Up To - The date for the meter reading invoice to be generated up to, usually the end of the current month. Equipment due for billing up to and including this date will be displayed in the screen.

Recalc (F3) - Recalculates meter readings and gathers new meter reading data if applicable.

Number 2

Search – Allows users to search for a keyword to filter the list

Number 3

Filter – A user can filter the meter readings to show only the readings they are interested in at any one time

All - This option will show all managed services equipment due for billing up to the entered date.

Missing Meter Readings - This option will show only missing meter readings.

Equipment with Errors - This option will show meter readings only for equipment with errors.

Equipment without Errors - This option will show meter readings only for equipment without errors.

Machine Cycle Charges - This option will show meter readings for equipment with machine minimum cycle charges only.

Meter Minimum Charges - This option will show meter readings for equipment with meter minimum charges only.

Meter Quantity Charges - This option will show meter readings for equipment with meter quantity charges only.

Number 4

Equipment with Active Meters - Displays a list of equipment with active meters. Double clicking the hotlink on a machine's meter will navigate users directly to the Meter Reading Entry/Maintenance screen, where they can easily enter the meter reading for that machine. Note: Machines with errors will be displayed in RED and will not be billed until the errors have been rectified.

Number 5

Machine Meters - Displays a list of meters and reading detail for the selected machine.

Number 6

Preview Invoices - Allows users to view the invoice in PDF format.

Preview Invoices with Costs - Allows users to view the invoice in PDF format showing costs as well.

Remove Machines - Allows users to remove machines from the list. Removed machines will not be invoiced.

Progress - Shows the number of machines that are ready to be billed vs the total number of managed machines due for billing.

Number 7

Machine Costs - Displays a list of invoices and costs for consumables, parts etc for the selected machine for the billing period.

Number 8

Calculation Errors - Displays the calculation errors for the selected machine.

Number 9

Generate Invoices - Allows users to generate meter reading invoices. When clicked, the below message will appear.





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