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Main Menu > Debtors > End of Period/Year > Print/Send Debtors Statements


The Debtors Statement Printing program is used to generate Debtors statements. Users can select from a range of parameters to determine which customers a statement will be generated for.


Debtors Statement Printing Screen

Debtors Statement Printing Screen


Number 1

Statement Date – This is the end date of the statement and will only show transactions up to and including this date.

Number 2

Starting Customer - Leave blank if printing statements for all customers otherwise enter the customer code or click magnifying glass to search for the customer code you wish to start printing statements from.

Ending Customer Leave ZZZZZZ if printing statements for all customers otherwise enter the customer code or click magnifying glass to search for the customer code you wish to end printing statements for.

Number 3

Flagged Customer Only:

Yes - Will only generate statements for customers where the 'Generate Statement' box is ticked in Customer Masterfile Maintenance.

No - Will generate statements for all customers.

Number 4

Customers Over 30/60/90/120 Days:

All - Will include all customers regardless of ageing

30 Days - Will only include customers where there is an ageing balance in 30 days or above

60 Days - Will only include customers where there is an ageing balance in 60 days or above

90 Days - Will only include customers where there is an ageing balance in 90 days or above

120+ Days - Will only include customers where there is an ageing balance in 120+ days

Number 5

Zero Balance Accounts:

Yes - Will generate statements for all customers including those with a zero balance

No - Will only generate statements for customers with a balance owing

Number 6

Negative Balance Accounts:

Yes - Will generate statements for customers with a negative balance

No - Will only generate statements for customers with a positive balance

Number 7

Hide Completed Transactions:

Yes - Will generate statements showing only open items

No - Will generate statements showing open and closed items for the statement period

Number 8

Destination (A/P/S/D):

Auto Destination - Sends the generated statements to the document destination set up for the customer in Customer Masterfile Maintenance.

Printer - Sends the generated statements to the selected printer

Screen (PDF) - Displays the generated statements in PDF format on users screen

File Copy Only (PDF) - Generates a PDF only of the statements which can be located under the Debtors (F6) section in the Statements tab of the Global Customer Enquiry.


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