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Main Menu > Direct Marketing > Direct Marketing Campaigns


The following steps describe how to send a mailout via Outlook to Customers in BBS via Direct Marketing Campaigns.


1.Create the email, in Outlook:

a.Create the email in Outlook with required text, images and attachments.

b.File > Save to save a copy in your drafts folder.

c.File > Save As to save a copy to your desktop as an ‘Outlook Message Format – Unicode’


2.Setup the campaign, in BBS:

a.Main Menu > Direct Marketing > Direct Marketing Campaigns

b.Click New Campaign

c.Select option #2 – Via Outlook

d.Enter a name for the campaign

e.Enter a subject

f.Select the ‘Message Body Options’ tab

g.Click the magnifying glass button at the bottom and locate the message file saved to your desktop earlier

h.Select the ‘Recipients’ tab

i.Click Auto Add

j.Select the required parameters for the desired audience

k.Select the ‘Send Test Campaign’ tab

l.Click Send/Queue for Sending


3.Review test emails and make changes (if required), in Outlook:

a.Open the message in the drafts folder

b.Make the required changes

c.File > Save As to save a copy to your desktop over the top of the original file


4.Resend test messages (if required), in BBS:

a.Main Menu > Direct Marketing > Direct Marketing Campaigns

b.Click the magnifying glass on the campaign and select the campaign in question

c.Select the ‘Send Test Campaign’ tab

d.Click Send/Queue for Sending to resend test messages


5.When Ready to Send, in BBS:

a.Main Menu > Direct Marketing > Direct Marketing Campaigns

b.Click the magnifying glass on the campaign and select the campaign in question

c.Untick ‘Testing Mode’

d.Select the ‘Send Campaign’ tab

e.Click Send/Queue for Sending

f.Acknowledge the warning regarding Unsubscribing

g.If prompted to allow access, tick box and select 10 minutes.

h.Every 500 messages, BBS will tell Outlook to close. Just click ‘Don’t Exit’


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