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The Customer Product Details tab is where details can be stored for a customer relating to a product that they will allow product substitutes for or that you would like to offer substitutes for (eg. if the product requested is out of stock or a new product).


Customer Product Details Tab Screen

Customer Product Details Tab Screen


Number 1

Product Code - The product that is to be substituted.

Number 2

Cust Part NoFor Future Use

Number 3

Subst Product – The product code for the substitute product. If the field is blank the standard default substitute for the product will apply. To see if the product has a default Substitute Product recorded refer to the General Information Tab of Product Masterfile Maintenance.

Number 4

Auto Subst – The drop down arrow provides prompts for users when ordering, standard options are as follows;

Yes – Always – If the requested product is entered on a sales order or POS sale it will automatically be substituted

No – Never – If the requested product is entered on a sales order or POS sale do not substitute it with an alternative product.

Ask - If the requested product is entered on a sales order or POS sale a prompt will appear with an option to substitute.

Number 5

Save - Saves the selected customer/product record

Delete - Deletes the selected customer/product record

Number 6

Displays a list of Saved customer/product records.


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