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Main Menu > Sales Ordering > Generate Customer Order Forms


You can generate customer order forms based on a customers' sales history using a selection of parameters.


Generate Customer Order Forms Screen

Generate Customer Order Forms Screen


Parameter Name


Starting Date

Ending Date

Enter the dates for the period of sales you want to search to determine what products appear on the order forms

Starting Customer

Ending Customer

Selected Customers

Starting Account Manager

Ending Account Manager

Selected Account Managers

Starting Market Code

Ending Market Code

Selected Market Codes

Selected Classes

Selected Customer Groups

Parameters to restrict the customers you wish to generate order forms for

Warehouse Code

Enter the warehouse you want to search sales from

Separate form per Delivery Code

Yes - Generates a separate form for each customer for each delivery code based on sales for that delivery code

No - Sales for all delivery codes will be consolidated and a single form will be generated for each customer

Separate form per Warehouse

Yes - Generate a separate form for each customer for each warehouse based on sales from that warehouse

No - Sales for all warehouses will be consolidated and a single form will be generated for each customer

Minimum Times Sold

The minimum amount of times a product has been sold within the selected period for it to appear on the order form

Sort Products By

Product Code - Sorts products by Product Code on the order form

Product Group - Sorts products by Product Group on the order form

Description - Sorts products by Description on the order form

Sort Forms By

Customers - Generate forms in order by Customer Code

Rep Code (Customer) - Generate forms in order by Rep Code (Customer)

Market Code - Generate forms in order by Market Code

Customer Group - Generate forms in order by Customer Group

Warehouse - Generate forms in order by Warehouse


When desired parameters have been entered your orders forms will be generated.


Sample Customer Order Form

Sample Customer Order Form


Please refer to Price Comparisons & Customer Order Forms for more information.


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