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Main Menu > Point of Sale > Integrated Payments > POS Integrated Payment Enquiry


The POS Integrated Payment Enquiry program allows users to view a snapshot of an integrated payment transaction at the time it was recorded.


Point of Sale - Integrated Payment Enquiry Screen

Point of Sale - Integrated Payment Enquiry Screen


Number 1

Pmt Ref - The payment reference number if know or click magnifying glass to search.

Trans Date & Time - Displays the date and time the transaction was recorded.

Number 2

Provider - Displays the provider name for the selected integrated payment.

Till Login - Displays the till login the selected integrated payment was performed on.

Trans Type - Displays the type of transaction for the selected integrated payment.

Result - Displays the transaction result for the selected integrated payment.

Purch Amt - Displays the purchase amount for the selected integrated payment.

Auth Code - Displays the authorisation code for the selected integrated payment.

Cash Out Amt - Displays the cash out amount for the selected integrated payment.

Trans Ref - Displays the transaction reference number for the selected integrated payment.

Surcharge Amt - Displays the surcharge amount for the selected integrated payment.

Card Type - Displays the card type for the selected integrated payment.

Tip Amt - Displays the tip amount for the selected integrated payment.

Number 3

Linked to - Displays the BBS transaction the selected integrated payment is linked to.

Goto - When clicked users will be navigated to the relevant enquiry screen for the transaction the selected integrated payment is linked to.

Number 4

Bank Deposit Batch - Displays the bank deposit batch and line number the selected integrated payment was included in.

Goto - When clicked users will be navigated to Bank Deposit Enquiry for the selected integrated payment.  

Number 5

Receipts - Displays the receipt/s for the selected integrated payment.

Number 6

Reprint Receipts - Allows users to reprint the receipt for the selected integrated payment.


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