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Main Menu > Point of Sale > POS Till Reconciliation


NOTE: This process assumes that there is no major variance in the POS Till Reconciliation. If at any stage there are major variances that may need to be investigated, refer to the section for variances below.


1.Check all Point of Sale screens on all computers are blank or closed.

2.Print a Settlement Enquiry from the EFTPOS terminal.

3.Open the POS Till Reconciliation screen, select either an individual till, specific warehouse tills, or ** - All Registers and click OK to confirm the tills selected and the reconcile up to date.

4.Check the EFTPOS amount against the Settlement Enquiry. Highlight the EFTPOS/Card line in the Payments Totals box and enter the amount from the Settlement Enquiry as the Counted Amount and click Save.

5.For Paypal and Discount types, highlight and enter the BBS amount as the Counted Amount and click Save.

6.For Vouchers, double click to see the transactions, check the vouchers are in the till, close the transaction listing and then enter the total value of the vouchers, and click Save.

7.For Cheques, double click to see the transactions, check the cheques are in the till and have the correct amounts, close the transaction listing and then enter the total value of the cheques, and click Save.

8.Highlight Cash and click the magnifying glass button on the Counted Amount field

9.Enter the float, and then count the cash and enter all the denominations. Click OK.

10.The Counted Amount displayed is the amount to take out of the till for banking. Put this amount aside and click Save

11.Investigate any major variances.

12.If any sales have been recorded since this process started, write down the counted cash figure, close this screen and start the process again. NOTE: instead of recounting the cash, use the written down amount +/- any cash taken since the process started.

13.Settle the EFTPOS machine

14.Click Update Now

15.Click Yes to update with variances (if applicable)

16.Click Yes to update now

17.If asked to append Cash to existing batch, answer Yes (If your system is set to NOT append cash batches you will not be asked this question)

18.Click OK on the message regarding bank deposit batches

19.Answer Yes to print the POS Reconciliation Report and OK to select the printer.

20.Answer Yes to Update Related Invoices

21.Answer No, No, No to print the audit trails and journals.


Till Balancing Problems:

1.Wrong Tender Type – MOST COMMON PROBLEM

The most common problem when reconciling the till is a transaction being entered against the wrong tender type. This is usually identified where there is a variance in two of the tender types during the reconciliation process. To find and fix the problem:

a)Double click on the tender type where BBS is showing a higher value, scroll through the transactions to identify the problem transaction.

b)Write down the POS transaction number.

c)If you have counted the cash, write down the counted amount or you will have to count the cash again

d)Close the POS Till Reconciliation screen

e)Open the Point of Sale screen, login and click Retrieve Sale

f)Scroll through and find the POS transaction number and click OK

g)Click Save Entry

h)Double click the payment in the list that is of the wrong tender type and clear it

i)Enter the correct tender type and payment amount and add it

j)Click Save Entry, do not print

a.Re-open the POS Till Reconciliation screen and start the process again.


2.Account sale or cash sale payment detail not entered

The second most common problem is where a user fails to enter a payment (or add the payment in the box) against a sale. This is usually identified where one of the tender types is out of balance. To find and fix the problem:

a)If the problem is in the EFTPOS, double click the EFTPOS line and check through the transactions against the receipts to find the missing amount. If not, you’ll have to assume the variance amount is the amount of the missing payment.

b)Double click the Balance to Trade Debtors line to find the transaction that was sent to debtors instead of being marked as paid.

c)Write down the POS transaction number.

d)If you have counted the cash, write down the counted amount or you will have to count the cash again

e)Close the POS Till Reconciliation screen

f)Open the Point of Sale screen, login and click Retrieve Sale

g)Scroll through and find the POS transaction number and click OK

h)Click Save Entry

i)Enter the payment amount and add it

j)Click Save Entry, do not print

k)Re-open the POS Till Reconciliation screen and start the process again.


3.Account payment taken but not entered

This happens when someone takes an account payment via the phone on the EFTPOS machine but forgets to enter it. To find and fix the problem:

a)Double click the EFTPOS line and check through the transactions against the receipts to find the missing amount.

b)If you have counted the cash, write down the counted amount or you will have to count the cash again

c)Close the POS Till Reconciliation screen

d)Open the Point of Sale screen, login and enter the payment details

e)Re-open the POS Till Reconciliation screen and start the process again.


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