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The Standard Allowances, Deduction and Entitlements tab allows users to enter a set of ADE codes which the employee will normally receive in a normal payrun and will load when processing payroll using employees with standard pays. (Standard payruns will not load when processing payroll where an employee's employment status is Casual. For casual employees who normally work a set amount of hours and have a standard payrun entered users with access can change their employment status from Casual to Casual (Regular), this will report the employee as casual to the ATO but will load their standard payrun when processing payroll using employees with standard pays).


Employee Masterfile Maintenance - Standard Payrun Tab Screen

Employee Masterfile Maintenance - Standard Payrun Tab Screen


Number 1

Standard Payrun Details:

Dept Code - Enter the department code or click the search button. If the employee is set up to only work in a single department this option is not available.

ADE Code - Enter the ADE code or click the search button.

Qty/Hrs - Enter the quantity/hours required.

Rate - ADE codes where Qty/Hrs apply, the rate will automatically populate using the hourly rate set up in the employees General Information Tab, or the special rate for the employee in the department if defined in the employees Special Rates per Department Tab.

Value - When adding value based ADE codes, the value will need to be entered here.

Internal Comment - Enter an internal comment if required which will only be visible to internal staff with access.

Visible Comment - Enter a visible comment if required which will be visible on the employees payslip.

Add/Update (F7) - Adds the selected ADE code to the employees standard payrun.

Clear - Deletes the selected ADE code from the employees standard payrun.

Number 2

Displays a list of ADE codes that have been added to the selected employees standard payrun.


To amend an employees standard payrun, double click the existing ADE code that you would like to amend in the list box, make the changes and select Add/Update (F7) then Save Changes before exiting the screen.


To delete an ADE code from employees standard payrun, double click the existing ADE code that you would like to delete in the list box, select Clear to delete the record then Save Changes before exiting the screen.


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