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Main Menu > Debtors > Debtors Collection Dashboard


The Debtors Collection Dashboard program is used to manage delinquent customers that have breached their credit terms based on the reminder days set up in Debtors Terms Code Maintenance.


Debtors Collection Dashboard Screen

Debtors Collection Dashboard Screen


Number 1

Recalc - The Recalc screen allows users to override the terms code on customers for the purpose of collections, and to apply an additional number of days grace to be added to the Reminder Days set up on the Debtors Terms Code.


Number 2

Last Calc – Displays the date, time and user of when the last recalc was performed.

Number 3

Account Mgr - Users can choose to filter Customers by Rep Code, clicking the drop-down arrow will display a list of Rep Codes.

Number 4

Customer Group - Users can choose to filter Customers by Customer Group, clicking the drop-down arrow will display a list of Customer Groups.

Number 5

Search – Searches the Delinquent Debtors list box for the entered word/s.

Number 6

Displays a list of delinquent debtors based on the filters selected. Multiple customers can be highlighted to send payment reminders to them (see below).

Customer - Displays the customer code and name.

Accounts Contact - Displays the name and phone number for the accounts contact for the customer.

Terms - Displays the customers terms.

Total O/S - Displays the customers total outstanding balance.

Overdue - Displays the customers overdue amount.

Current Days - Displays the current days overdue and the allowed days overdue based on the customers terms code. The number of days the customer is overdue is also visible.

Avg Pmt Days - Displays the customers average payment days.

Last Pmt - Displays the date the last payment was received from the customer and the number of days since.

Last Action - Displays the last date the customer was contacted regarding the debt and the number of days since. This is based on the call history records entered in Global Customer Enquiry.

Next Action - Displays the date the next action is to be followed up and the number of days to go. This is based on call back dates entered onto call history records entered in Global Customer Enquiry.

Number 7

Global Customer Enquiry - Navigates users to the Global Customer Enquiry for the highlighted customer.

Number 8

Notes & Attachments - Navigates users to Debtor Account Notes & Attachments for the highlighted customer.

Number 9

Add Call History Entry - Navigates users to Debtors Call History Details for the highlighted customer to enter a new debtors call.

Number 10

Send Payment Reminder Email(s) - Allows users to send a system generated payment reminder to the highlighted customer(s), users can also select to include a copy of the current statement and to enter call back details if required.


Number 11

Email Accounts Contact - Creates a new email via Outlook to send to the accounts contact for the highlighted Customer.

Number 12

Hide Future Actions - When ticked, customers with future next actions will be hidden. This box is ticked by default.

Number 13

Search – Searches the Collections History list box for the entered word/s.

Number 14

Collections History - Displays a list of collections history for the highlighted customer.



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