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Main Menu > Document Processing Centre


The Document Processing Centre allows users to upload documents directly into BBS, or send them via email to special email addresses to import them, in order to process transactions based on the documents, or to attach them to existing transactions.


For documents uploaded or sent to the AI Document Inboxes, the system will extract transaction details using advanced artificial intelligence (AI) technology, enabling transactions to be processed efficiently and accurately. Whether it is a full page invoice or a receipt, they can be processed as either a creditors invoice, stock receipt invoice or cash book debit.  


Document Processing Centre Screen

Document Processing Centre Screen


Number 1

Inbox - Clicking the drop down arrow allows users to select another inbox if access permission allows.


There are 9 separate inboxes allowing documents to be imported and only available to users that require access to those documents. Each inbox can be switched on/off for each user in System Operator Maintenance. By default, if a user has access to the module that the inbox relates to, they will have access to the inbox.


Please refer to AI Document Inboxes and File Attachment Inboxes below for further details.

Number 2

Hide Documents Ready for Posting - When ticked, documents that have been processed and are ready for posting will be hidden.

Number 3

Refresh (F5) - Will refresh the items in the screen.

Number 4

Add Files - Allows users to manually add documents.

Select Files - Navigates users to File Explorer where they can locate the file to be added.

Drag and Drop Files - Allows users to drag and drop or copy/paste files into the selected inbox.

Number 5

Displays a list of documents to be posted. The column headings will vary when viewing attachments and viewing invoices. Invoices will automatically populate with a vendor code if the ABN can be found by the AI Document Processor and if that ABN matches the ABN on a Vendor Masterfile in BBS.

Number 6

Process Document - Navigates users to Document Processing Centre - Process Document. Please refer to Document Processing Centre - Process Document for more information.

Number 7

Open File - Opens the file of the selected document.

Number 8

Delete Document(s) - Allows users to delete the selected document.

Number 9

Move to Another Inbox - Navigates users to the below screen to select another inbox to move the selected document(s) to.


Number 10

Post Transactions - Allows users to post transactions that have been processed.




alert (4)IMPORTANT NOTES regarding Document Processing Centre EDI email addresses:

Email addresses noted in this document contain a company code denoted with xx. This should be substituted with your BBS Accounting company code locatable on your BBS Accounting Main Menu. For example would become if your company code is AB.



It is highly recommended that you do not make the EDI email addresses for your company file public to customers and suppliers but instead get your IT Department to set up aliases that point to these mailboxes. For example set up an that forwards mail to and provide the email address to your suppliers.


tog_minus AI Document Inboxes

tog_minus File Attachment Inboxes

tog_minus Document Processing Centre - Process Document

tog_plus Process Creditors Invoice

tog_plus Process Supplier EDI Invoice

tog_plus Process Cash Book Journal - Debit

tog_plus Attach File to Creditor

tog_plus Attach File to Debtor

tog_plus Attach File to G/L Journal

tog_plus Attach File to Product

tog_plus Attach File to Employee

tog_plus Attach File to Equipment


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