Main Menu > Global Customer Enquiry
The Sales & Service (F7) section of the Global Customer Enquiry program has multiple tabs with each tab described below.
Total Sales Tab
The Total Sales tab displays a summary of total sales for each month for the selected period.
Total Sales Tab Screen
Delivery Address Sales Tab
The Delivery Address Sales tab displays a summary of sales for each delivery code for the selected period and the previous 25 months.
Delivery Address Sales Tab Screen
Period – Clicking the drop down arrow will allow users to select a different period.
Displays a summary list of delivery address sales for the selected customer.
12 Months – Navigates users to the Total Sales tab of the Global Customer Enquiry for the selected delivery address.
Displays the data in a chart.
Exports the list of Delivery Address Sales to Excel.
Sales Rep Sales Tab
The Sales Rep Sales tab displays a summary of sales for this customer for each sales rep for the selected period and the previous 25 months.
Sales Rep Sales Tab Screen
Period - Clicking the drop down arrow will allow users to select a different period.
Del Code - Clicking the drop down arrow will allow users to select a different delivery code.
Displays a summary list of sales rep sales for the selected customer.
12 Months – Navigates users to Sales by Sales Rep - 12 Months for the highlighted Sales Rep.
Users can then view the invoices for the selected Sales Rep by highlighting a period and clicking the Invoices button.
From here users can select an invoice and click the Invoice Enq button which will navigate users to Sales Invoice Enquiry for the selected invoice.
Displays the data in a chart.
Exports the list of Sales Rep Sales to Excel.
Products Group Sales Tab
The Product Group Sales tab displays a summary of sales for this customer for each product group for the selected period and the previous 25 months.
Product Group Sales Tab Screen
Period - Clicking the drop down arrow will allow users to select a different period.
Start At - Users can enter a value here to start the search. Records from this start at value will be displayed alphabetically.
W/H - Clicking the drop down arrow will allow users to select a different warehouse.
Del Code - Clicking the drop down arrow will allow users to select a different delivery code.
Displays a summary list of product group sales for the selected customer.
12 Months – Navigates users to Sales by Product Group - 12 Months for the highlighted Product Group.
Users can then view the invoices for the selected Product Group by highlighting a period and clicking the Invoices button.
From here users can select an invoice and click the Invoice Enq button which will navigate users to Sales Invoice Enquiry for the selected invoice.
More - Allows users to display more results if applicable.
Exports the list of Product Group Sales to Excel.
Loyalty Group Sales Tab
The Loyalty Group Sales tab displays a summary of sales for this customer for each loyalty group for the selected period and the previous 25 months.
Loyalty Group Sales Tab Screen
Period - Clicking the drop down arrow will allow users to select a different period.
W/H - Clicking the drop down arrow will allow users to select a different warehouse.
Del Code - Clicking the drop down arrow will allow users to select a different delivery code.
Displays a summary list of loyalty group sales for the selected customer.
12 Months – Navigates users to Sales by Loyalty Group - 12 Months for the highlighted Loyalty Group.
Users can then view the invoices for the selected Loyalty Group by highlighting a period and clicking the Invoices button.
From here users can select an invoice and click the Invoice Enq button which will navigate users to Sales Invoice Enquiry for the selected invoice.
Displays the data in a chart.
Exports the list of Loyalty Group Sales to Excel.
Product Sales Tab
The Product Sales tab displays a summary of sales for this customer for each product for the selected period and the previous 25 months.
Product Sales Tab Screen
Period - Clicking the drop down arrow will allow users to select a different period.
Start At - Users can enter a value here to start the search. Only records from this start at value will be displayed.
Search - Users can enter a keyword to search the data in the list box.
W/H - Clicking the drop down arrow will allow users to select a different warehouse.
Del Code - Clicking the drop down arrow will allow users to select a different delivery code.
Displays a summary list of product sales for the selected customer.
12 Months – Navigates users to Sales by Product Code - 12 Months for the highlighted Product.
Users can then view the invoices for the selected Product Code by highlighting a period and clicking the Invoices button.
From here users can select an invoice and click the Invoice Enq button which will navigate users to Sales Invoice Enquiry for the selected invoice.
Product Enquiry – Navigates users to Global Inventory Enquiry for the selected product.
Cust/Prod Details – Navigates users to Customer/Product Information for the selected product.
More - Allows users to display more results if applicable.
Exports the list of Product Sales to Excel.
Sales Invoices Tab
The Sales Invoices tab displays a list of sales invoices for the selected period, listing most recent at the top.
Sales Invoice Tab Screen
Period - Clicking the drop down arrow will allow users to select a different period.
W/H - Clicking the drop down arrow will allow users to select a different warehouse.
Del Code - Clicking the drop down arrow will allow users to select a different delivery code.
Displays a list of sales invoices for the selected period for the selected customer.
Invoice Enq – Navigates users to Sales Invoice Enquiry for the selected invoice.
View Order – Navigates users to Sales Order/Quote Enquiry for the selected product.
View Invoice – Allows users to Print/View/Send the selected invoice. Please refer to Print/View/Send a PDF Document for more information.
More - Allows users to display more results if applicable.
Exports the list of Sales Invoices to Excel.
Invoice Line History Tab
The Invoice Line History tab displays a list of invoice lines using the selected parameters, listing most recent at the top.
Invoice History Line Tab Screen
Search - Users can enter a keyword or multiple keywords to search the data in the list box.
Filter - Users can choose to filter the invoice line history data for the selected product from the last 12 Months, 24 Months or All data.
W/H - Clicking the drop down arrow will allow users to select a different warehouse.
Del Code - Clicking the drop down arrow will allow users to select a different delivery code.
Displays a list of sales invoices where the selected product has been sold based on the selected filter
Invoice Enq – Navigates users to Sales Invoice Enquiry for the selected line.
Product Enquiry – Navigates users to Global Inventory Enquiry for the selected line.
Cust/Prod Details – Navigates users to Customer/Product Information for the selected line.
More - Allows users to display more results if applicable.
Exports the list of Invoice History Lines to Excel.
Last Price Paid Tab
The Last Price Paid tab displays a list of products using the selected parameters and the price that was invoiced last time they were purchased, listing most recent purchased at the top.
Last Price Paid Tab Screen
Start At - Users can enter a value here to start the search. Only records from this start at value will be displayed.
Search - Users can enter a keyword or multiple keywords to search the data in the list box.
Filter - Users can choose to filter the invoice line history data for the selected product from the last 12 Months, 24 Months or All data.
W/H - Clicking the drop down arrow will allow users to select a different warehouse.
Del Code - Clicking the drop down arrow will allow users to select a different delivery code.
Displays a list of products sold based on the selected filter
Invoice Enq – Navigates users to Sales Invoice Enquiry for the selected line.
Product Enquiry – Navigates users to Global Inventory Enquiry for the selected line.
Cust/Prod Details – Navigates users to Customer/Product Information for the selected line.
More - Allows users to display more results if applicable.
Exports the list of Last Price Paid to Excel.
Buying Patterns & Analysis Tab
The Buying Patterns & Analysis tab displays a summary and analysis of buying patterns for each product group or loyalty statement group using the selected parameters.
Buying Patterns & Analysis Tab Screen
Ordering History prev 12 Months (current month excluded):
% Web Orders - Displays what percentage of orders over the previous 12 months excluding the current month were web orders.
% Manual Orders - Displays what percentage of orders over the previous 12 months excluding the current month were manual orders.
Avg Ords p/m - Displays the average number of orders per month.
Avg Ord Ln p/m - Displays the average number of order lines per month.
Avg Ord Value - Displays the average order value.
Avg Ord Ln Value - Displays the average order line value.
Ord Freq - Displays the order frequency.
W/H - Clicking the drop down arrow will allow users to select a different warehouse.
Del Code - Clicking the drop down arrow will allow users to select a different delivery code.
Show By: Clicking the drop down arrow will allow users to select a different Show By category.
•Product Group - Displays buying patterns and analysis by Product Group.
•LP Statement Group - Displays buying patterns and analysis by Loyalty Points Statement Group. |
Displays a list of groups based on the selected filter
Outstanding Orders - Displays the number and value of outstanding sales orders.
Growth prev 3 Mths - Displays the percentage of growth in sales over the previous 3 months, compared to the 3 months prior, for the selected customer.
6 Mths - Displays the percentage of growth in sales over the previous 6 months, compared to the 6 months prior, for the selected customer.
12 Mths - Displays the percentage of growth in sales over the previous 12 months, compared to the 12 months prior, for the selected customer.
Days since last Order - Displays the number of days since the selected customer last ordered.
Exports the list box to Excel.
Loyalty Points (X Rolling Pds) Tab
The Loyalty Points (X Rolling Pds) tab displays a summary of points received and claimed for the number of loyalty periods defined in the company settings up to the selected period.
Loyalty Points (13 Rolling Points) Tab Screen
Focus Period - Clicking the drop down arrow will allow users to select a different focus period.
Statement Period - Displays the statement period.
Statement Dest - Displays the statement destination (i.e. Printer, email address).
Displays a summary of points earned/claimed per month for the selected focus period.
•Ineligible Points are points earned on invoices the customer is yet to pay in full.
•Claims in Progress are for points that have been claimed on a sales order that is yet to be invoiced. |
Print Loyalty Statement – Allows users to print the Loyalty Statement for the selected customer.
Enter Points Claim – Allows users to enter a manual loyalty points claim.
View Audit Trail/Adjust Points – Allows users to view loyalty point claims or adjustments for the selected customer.
Transfer Points to Another Customer - Allows users to transfer loyalty points from the selected customer to another customer.
Exports the list of Loyalty Points to Excel.
Customer Spend Quotas
The Customer Spend Quotas tab displays a list of current enforced quotas and the available balances.
Customer Spend Quotas Tab Screen
Period - Clicking the drop down arrow will allow users to select a different period.
Displays current enforced spend quotas and their available balances.
Exports the list of Customer Spend Quotas to Excel.
Outstanding Sales Orders Tab
The Outstanding Sales Orders tab displays a list of outstanding sales orders using the selected parameters, listing the oldest outstanding sales order at the top.
Outstanding Sales Order Tab Screen
W/H - Clicking the drop down arrow will allow users to select a different warehouse.
Del Code - Clicking the drop down arrow will allow users to select a different delivery code.
Outstanding Orders - Displays the total value in outstanding sales orders.
Displays a list of Outstanding Sales Orders for the selected customer.
Order Enq - Navigates users to Sales Order/Quote Enquiry for the selected line.
Order Maintenance – Navigates users to Sales Order/Quote Entry & Maintenance for the selected line.
More Options:
•Bulk Maintenance - Navigates users to the Sales Ordering - Bulk Maintenance screen for the selected sales orders. Please refer to Sales Ordering - Bulk Maintenance for more information.
•Print Orders - Allows users to print/view selected orders in various formats, including: (Sales Order (Internal Copy), Order Confirmation, Proforma Invoice, Delivery Note, Delivery Note (POD), Quotation, Work Order, Picking List (Ad Hoc), Package Label). |
Exports the list of Outstanding Sales Orders to Excel.
Outstanding Products on Order Tab
The Outstanding Products on Order tab displays a list of products on outstanding sales orders using the selected parameters, listing the oldest outstanding sales order at the top.
Outstanding Products on Order Tab Screen
W/H - Clicking the drop down arrow will allow users to select a different warehouse.
Del Code - Clicking the drop down arrow will allow users to select a different delivery code.
Displays a list of Outstanding Products on Order for the selected customer.
Order Enq - Navigates users to Sales Order/Quote Enquiry for the selected line.
Product Enquiry – Navigates users to Global Inventory Enquiry for the selected line.
Order Maintenance – Navigates users to Sales Order/Quote Entry & Maintenance for the selected line.
Exports the list of Outstanding Products on Order to Excel.
Sales Order History Tab
The Sales Order History tab displays a list of sales orders using the selected parameters, listing the most recent sales order at the top.
Order History Tab Screen
W/H - Clicking the drop down arrow will allow users to select a different warehouse.
Del Code - Clicking the drop down arrow will allow users to select a different delivery code.
Days since last Order - Displays the total number of days since the selected customer placed an order.
Displays a list of Sales Orders for the selected customer.
Order Enq - Navigates users to Sales Order/Quote Enquiry for the selected line.
More Options:
•Bulk Maintenance - Navigates users to the Sales Ordering - Bulk Maintenance screen for the selected sales orders. Please refer to Sales Ordering - Bulk Maintenance for more information.
•Print Orders - Allows users to print/view selected orders in various formats, including: (Sales Order (Internal Copy), Order Confirmation, Proforma Invoice, Delivery Note, Delivery Note (POD), Quotation, Work Order, Picking List (Ad Hoc), Package Label). |
More - Allows users to display more results if applicable.
Exports the list of Order History to Excel.
Web/EDI Order History Tab
The Web/EDI Order History tab displays a list of web and EDI orders received using the selected parameters.
Web/EDI Order History Tab Screen
Del Code - Clicking the drop down arrow will allow users to select a different delivery code.
Days since last Web/EDI Order - Displays the total number of days since the selected customer placed a Web/EDI order.
Displays a list of Web/EDI Orders for the selected customer.
Web/EDI Order Enq – Navigates users to Web/EDI Order Enquiry/Maintenance for the selected line.
More - Allows users to display more results if applicable.
Exports the list of Web/EDI Order History to Excel.
Reoccurring Sales Order Tab
The Reoccurring Sales Order tab displays reoccurring sales orders using the selected parameter.
Reoccurring Sales Order Tab Screen
Order Status – Users can choose to filter the reoccurring sales order status for the selected customer from Active, Inactive or All reoccurring sales orders.
Displays a list of Reoccurring Sales Orders for the selected customer.
New RSO – Navigates users to Reoccurring Sales Order Maintenance to create a new reoccurring sales order.
Maintenance – Navigates users to Reoccurring Sales Order Maintenance for the selected line allowing users to edit the RSO.
More - Allows users to display more results if applicable.
Exports the list of Reoccurring Sales Orders to Excel.
Outstanding Quotes Tab
The Outstanding Quotes tab displays a list of outstanding quotes using the selected parameters.
Outstanding Quotes Tab Screen
W/H - Clicking the drop down arrow will allow users to select a different warehouse.
Del Code - Clicking the drop down arrow will allow users to select a different delivery code.
Displays a list of Outstanding Quotes for the selected customer.
Quote Enq – Navigates users to Sales Order/Quote Enquiry for the selected line.
Quote Maintenance – Navigates users to Sales Order/Quote Entry & Maintenance for the selected line.
Export Quote – Exports the selected quote to an Excel spreadsheet.
More - Allows users to display more results if applicable.
Exports the list of Outstanding Quotes to Excel.
Last Price Quoted Tab
The Last Price Quoted tab displays a list of products and the price that was last quoted using the selected parameters.
Last Price Quoted Tab Screen
Start At - Users can enter a value here to start the search. Only records from this start at value will be displayed.
Search - Users can enter a keyword or multiple keywords to search the data in the list box.
Filter - Users can choose to filter the invoice line history data for the selected product from the last 12 Months, 24 Months or All data.
W/H - Clicking the drop down arrow will allow users to select a different warehouse.
Del Code - Clicking the drop down arrow will allow users to select a different delivery code.
Displays a list of products that have been quoted using the selected filter. The price quoted, date quoted and quote number are also displayed.
Quote Enq - Navigates users to Sales Order/Quote Enquiry for the selected line.
Product Enquiry – Navigates users to Global Inventory Enquiry for the selected line.
Cust/Prod Details – Navigates users to Customer/Product Information for the selected line.
More - Allows users to display more results if applicable.
Exports the list of Last Price Quoted to Excel.
Outstanding NCN/CAR Tab
The Outstanding NCN/CAR tab displays outstanding NCN/CAR's using the selected parameters, listing the oldest at the top.
Outstanding NCN/CAR Tab Screen
W/H - Clicking the drop down arrow will allow users to select a different warehouse.
Del Code - Clicking the drop down arrow will allow users to select a different delivery code.
Outstanding CARs - Displays the total value in outstanding CARs.
Displays a list of Outstanding NCN/CARs for the selected customer.
NCN/CAR Enq – Navigates users to NCN/CAR Enquiry for the selected line.
NCN/CAR Maintenance – Navigates users to Non-Conformance/CAR Entry & Maintenance for the selected line.
Exports the list of Outstanding NCN/CAR's to Excel.
Periodic Bills Tab
The Periodic Bills tab displays periodic bills using the selected parameter.
Periodic Bills Tab Screen
Bill Status – Users can choose to filter the periodic bill status for the selected customer from Active, Inactive or All periodic bills.
Displays a list of Periodic Bills for the selected customer.
New Periodic Bill – Navigates users to Periodic Billing Maintenance to create a new periodic bill.
Maintenance – Navigates users to Periodic Billing Maintenance for the selected line allowing users to edit the Periodic Bill.
More - Allows users to display more results if applicable.
Exports the list of Periodic Bills to Excel.
Order Fill time by Month Tab
The Order Fill time by Month tab displays a summary of time taken to fill orders using the selected parameters.
Order Fill time by Month Tab
Year – Displays the current financial year. Clicking the drop down arrow will allow users to select a different year.
W/H - Clicking the drop down arrow will allow users to select a different warehouse.
Show As - Users can choose to view the order fill time by month data for the selected customer as a Percentage (percentage of orders) or Count (the number of orders).
Exclude Direct/Forward Orders – When ticked Direct Delivery and forward dated orders will be excluded from the calculations.
Displays a summary of order fill by for each month in the selected year.
View By Day – Navigates users to Sales Order Fill Time for a Period by Date for the highlighted month.
Users can then view the orders for a selected day by highlighting a date and clicking the View Date button.
From here users can select an order and click the View Order button which will navigate users to Sales Order/Quote Enquiry for the selected order.
Last Updated – Displays the date, time and user
Exports the list box to Excel.
Customer/Contract Pricing Tab
The Customer/Contract Pricing tab displays a list of products on contract pricing using the selected parameters.
Customer/Contract Pricing Tab Screen
Price Level - Displays the customer price level if applicable.
Std Disc - Displays the customer discount percentage if applicable.
List/Alt - Displays if the customer receives the List Price or the Alternate Price pricing if applicable.
Generate Price List - If ticked, the selected customers contract prices will be included on the Customer Price List Report when run with a blank customer code.
W/H - Clicking the drop down arrow will allow users to select a different warehouse.
Del Code - Clicking the drop down arrow will allow users to select a different delivery code.
Where another customer inherits their contract pricing from the selected customer the Child Account button will be active, clicking this button displays the customer code and name.
Where the selected customer inherits their contract pricing from another customer the following will display "Entries shown in Blue are inherited from Customer Code - Customer Name".
Clicking the Goto button will navigate users to the Customer/Contract Pricing Tab for the Customer pricing is inherited from.
Where the selected customer inherits their contract pricing from a statement account the following will display "Entries shown in Magenta are inherited from Customer Code - Customer Name".
Clicking the Goto button will navigate users to the Dynamic Contract Pricing Tab tab for the statement account pricing is inherited from.
Displays a list of products on contract pricing for the selected customer.
Cust/Prod Details – Navigates users to Customer/Product Information for the selected line.
View Product – Navigates users to Global Inventory Enquiry for the selected line.
Web Upload – Navigates users to your integrated website Customer Contract Upload.
Last Web Upload - Displays the date and time the last web upload was performed.
Web Export – Exports a list of products in a format for importing into your website.
More - Allows users to display more results if applicable.
Exports the list of Customer/Contract Pricing to Excel.
Dynamic Contract Pricing Tab
The Dynamic Contract Pricing tab displays a list of products and/or product groups on dynamic contract pricing.
Dynamic Contract Pricing Tab Screen
Where the selected customer inherits their contract pricing from another customer the following will display "Entries shown in Blue are inherited from Customer Code - Customer Name".
Clicking the Goto button will navigate users to the Customer/Contract Pricing Tab of the Customer pricing is inherited from.
Where the selected customer inherits their contract pricing from a statement account the following will display "Entries shown in Magenta are inherited from Customer Code - Customer Name".
Clicking the Goto button will navigate users to the Dynamic Contract Pricing Tab of the statement account pricing is inherited from.
Displays a list of products/product groups that have dynamic contract pricing for the selected customer.
Cust/Prod Details – Navigates users to Customer/Product Information for the selected line. (This option is not available if the selected line is for a product group and not an individual product code).
View Product – Navigates users to Global Inventory Enquiry for the selected line. (This option is not available if the selected line is for a product group and not an individual product code).
Hide Expired Entries – When ticked dynamic contract pricing that has expired will not display. To view expired dynamic contract pricing users can untick the box.
Exports the list of Dynamic Contract Pricing to Excel.
Favourite Products Tab
The Favourite Products tab displays the favourites lists.
Favourite Products Tab Screen
Favourites List – Clicking the drop down arrow will allow users to select a different favourites list.
Displays a list of products on the selected favourites list.
Cust/Prod Details – Navigates users to Customer/Product Information for the selected line.
View Product – Navigates users to Global Inventory Enquiry for the selected line.
Web Upload – Navigates users to your integrated website Customer Contract Upload screen.
Last Web Upload - Displays the date and time the last web upload was performed.
Exports the list of Favourite Products to Excel.
C&H Stock Tab
The C&H Stock tab displays a list of products available as charge and hold for the customer.
C & H Stock Tab Screen
Displays a list of products available for Charge & Hold release for the selected customer. Double clicking a line will navigate users to Charge and Hold - Transaction Detail displaying a list of C&H Charge invoices and the current quantity of the selected line available.
Invoice Enq - Navigates users to Sales Invoice Enquiry for the selected Charge and Hold invoice.
View Order - Navigates users to Sales Order Enquiry for the selected Charge and Hold invoice.
Adjustment – Allows users to adjust the stock available for Charge & Hold release.
More - Allows users to display more results if applicable.
Exports the list of Charge & Hold Stock to Excel.
Consignment Stock Tab
The Consignment Stock tab displays a list of products on consignment (on unupdated invoices) for the customer.
Consignment Stock Tab Screen
Displays a list of products that have been invoiced but the invoice hasn't been updated as yet (ie on consignment).
View Invoice – Navigates users to Sales Invoice Enquiry for the selected line.
Exports the list of Consignment Stock to Excel.
Service Equipment Tab
The Service Equipment tab displays a list of service equipment for the customer.
Service Equipment Tab Screen
Status – Users can choose to filter the status of service equipment for the selected customer, options are; Active/In Use, Temporarily Inactive, Decommissioned or All.
Del Code - Clicking the drop down arrow will allow users to select a different delivery code.
Displays a list of service equipment based on the filters selected.
Equipment Enquiry – Navigates users to Global Equipment Enquiry for the selected line.
More - Allows users to display more results if applicable.
Exports the list of Service Equipment to Excel.
Service Agreements Tab
The Service Agreements tab displays a list of service agreements applied to the customer.
Service Agreements Tab Screen
Del Code - Clicking the drop down arrow will allow users to select a different delivery code.
Displays a list of service agreements for the selected customer.
Hide Finished Agreements – When ticked service agreements that have finished will be hidden. Users can untick the box to view finished service agreements.
Exports the list of Service Agreements to Excel.
Service Jobs Tab
The Service Jobs tab displays a list of service jobs for the customer.
Service Jobs Tab Screen
Del Code - Clicking the drop down arrow will allow users to select a different delivery code.
Displays a list of service jobs for the selected customer.
Service Job Enquiry – Navigates users to Service Job Enquiry for the selected line.
Service Job Maintenance – Navigates users to Service Job Entry/Maintenance for the selected line.
More - Allows users to display more results if applicable.
Exports the list of Service Jobs to Excel.
Managed Print Services
The Managed Print Services tab displays the settings for managed print services for the customer.
Managed Print Services Tab Screen
Managed Print Services Settings:
•Customer/Delivery Address - The customer/delivery address to view the managed print services settings for, clicking the drop down arrow allows users to select a different delivery address.
•MPS Billing Type - Displays the managed print services billing type for the selected customer/delivery address.
•Customer Order No - Displays the customer order number used for managed print services billing invoices for the selected customer/delivery address.
•Sales Rep for MPS - Displays the sales rep used for managed print services billing invoices for the selected customer/delivery address. |
BBS Managed Print Services Agent Settings:
•Username - Displays the BBS MPS Agent username for the selected customer/delivery address.
•Password - Displays the BBS MPS Agent password for the selected customer/delivery address.
•Addresses/Ranges - Displays the IP Addresses/Ranges the BBS MPS Agent will scan for devices for the selected customer/delivery address. |
MPS Agent Data
The MPS Agent Data tab displays data from the MPS Agent for the selected machine for the customer.
MPS Agent Data Tab Screen
Machine - The machine to view MPS agent data for, clicking the drop down arrow allows users to select a different machine.
Displays the MPS Agent imported data for the selected machine.
Data - Displays the Agent field data for the selected line.
Equipment ID - Displays the equipment ID number if the selected machine has an equipment record.
Create Equipment Record - Navigates users to Equipment Masterfile Maintenance to create a new equipment record for the selected machine if an equipment record does not already exist for the machine.