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Main Menu > Inventory Control > Updates & Recalcs > Set Min/Max Stock Levels


The Set Min/Max Stock Levels programs allows users to automatically update minimum and maximum stock level quantities based on the parameters entered in Min/Max/WoS Settings Maintenance.


Set Min/Max Stock Levels Screen

Set Min/Max Stock Levels Screen


Parameter Name


Warehouse Code

The warehouse code or click magnifying glass to search. Leave blank for all warehouses.

Starting Product Group

Ending Product Group

Parameters to restrict the product groups where Min/Max stock levels will be updated.

Selected Product Groups

The selected product groups or click magnifying glass to search and select.

Starting Primary Vendor

Ending Primary Vendor

Parameters to restrict the primary vendors where Min/Max stock levels will be updated.

Update to Masterfile

No - Will generate a report displaying changes in Min/Max stock levels using the selected parameters without updating.

Yes - Will update Min/Max stock levels in the Product Masterfiles using the selected parameters.



Set Min/Max Stock Levels Report - Example

Set Min/Max Stock Levels Report - Example




Qty Used

The number of units sold


The number of invoices/stock transfers created for the qty used

Custs Buying

The number of customers buying the product

Mths Hist

The number of months history used to gather sales data

Wgt Avg Usage

The weighted average weekly usage

Old Min

The old minimum stock level prior to the update

Old Max

The old maximum stock level prior to the update

New Min

The new minimum stock level after the update

New Max

The new maximum stock level after the update


Add* - The product will be added to your Core Products with a min/max setting

Deduct* - The product will be deducted from your Core Products with min/max settings removed

Man Set

The product is set to manual min/max settings and will not update

Large Custs

The number of customers deemed large based on your min/max settings

Large Sales

The number sales deemed large based on your min/max settings


Automatically populates based on your min/max settings

Old Max Value

The value of stock that will be held based on the old maximum stock level

New Max Value

The value of stock that will be held based on the new maximum stock level

Value Change

The change in value between old max value and new max value

Primary Supplier

Displays the primary supplier's vendor code

Qty O/H

The quantity currently on hand

Value O/H

The value of the quantity currently on hand


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