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The special product code, GL can be entered in certain sales screens to find and/or create a non-diminishing product code that journals the sale amount for the transaction line directly to a General Ledger Account. This feature is useful for billing customers for out of the ordinary charges or cost reimbursements without the need to create a special product code manually.


The special product code GL can be used in the following programs:

Sales Invoice/Credit Entry & Maintenance

Periodic Billing Maintenance

NCN/CAR Entry & Maintenance – Lines Tab

NCN/CAR Entry & Maintenance – Return Fees Tab

Point of Sale

Sales Order/Quote Entry & Maintenance

Reoccuring Sales Order Entry & Maintenance

Service Job Completion – Work Performed Tab

Service Job Completion –Sundry Items Tab


Users with access to the Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable or General Ledger modules or users that have been granted access via System Operator Maintenance in each individual program can use this feature. Note: Users must have access to this feature, plus access to Product Masterfile Maintenance, to be able to create a new G/L Product Code that hasn’t been created/used previously.


When the GL product code is used on any of the aforementioned screens, the Product Code Entry - General Ledger Account screen displays to allow users to enter a general ledger account for the sales amount and a tax code to apply.



Where the G/L product code doesn't exist for the G/L Account and Tax Code entered, users will be prompted to confirm they wish to create it.



When creating a new G/L Product Code, users will be prompted if they wish to edit the product prior to using it, clicking Yes will navigate users to Product Masterfile Maintenance (All G/L Product Codes allow for the description on transactions to be changed).



Once the G/L Product Code is created or selected, users is returned to their sales screen with the G/L product code filled in. users can then edit the description for this transaction line and enter a quantity and price as required.



Any costs entered or applied to the sales transactions will be journalled to the appropriate accounts for non-diminishing product codes.


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