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Main Menu > Debtors > Cash Receipts > Debtors Posting


The Debtors Posting program is used to allocate customer batch payments to their outstanding invoices and sales orders as well as applying credit notes and on account amounts etc.


Cash Receipts & Debtor Posting Screen

Cash Receipts & Debtor Posting Screen


Number 1

Cash Batch – Displays the selected batch of payments

Number 2

Customer – Displays the current customer

Global Customer Enquiry - Navigates users to the Global Customer Enquiry for the selected customer

Number 3

Cash/Credits – Displays the selected customers payments, on account amounts and unapplied credit notes or debtors journals

Number 4

Navigates users to the Quick Attach File to Debtors Account screen where the file/attachment will be attached to the highlighted credit (eg cash receipt, credit note, credit journal etc) or if On/Account or Discount are selected, it will attach directly to the Debtor. Please refer to Quick Attach Files to Debtor Account for more information.

Number 5

Customer Ageing – Displays the selected customers ageing and amounts

Number 6

View Credit Detail – Navigates users to the Bank Deposit Enquiry screen of the highlighted payment or navigates users to the Sales Invoice Enquiry screen of the highlighted credit note or navigates users to the Debtors Journal Enquiry screen of the highlighted debtors journal.

Discount - Allows users to apply a discount to a customer if you have a settlement discount arrangement or if the customer has short paid an invoice by a small amount. Users can also apply a negative discount to a customers account to take up small overpayments.

Number 7

Find Allocations (F8) - Allows users to use a recursive algorithm to loop through the outstanding debit amounts and find any combinations of debits that add up to the credit/payment selected.

Next Result - Allows users to cycle through the possible combinations where multiple combinations of debits add up to the credit/payment amount selected.


Number 8

Invoices/Debits – Displays the selected customers outstanding invoices

Number 9

View Debit Detail - Navigates users to the Sales Invoice Enquiry screen of the highlighted invoice or navigates users to the Debtors Journal Enquiry screen of the highlighted debtors journal

Number 10

Apply - Applies the highlighted payment, on account amount or credit note to the highlighted invoice/s

Apply All - Applies the highlighted payment, on account amount or credit note to the oldest invoice/s first

Partial - Users can choose to apply partial amounts of the highlighted payment, on account amount or credit note a selected invoice

Remove - Removes the highlighted payment from the posted section and places it back in the Cash/Credits section

Reset - Resets all payments and credit notes applied to the selected customer and places them back in the Cash/Credits section

On/Acc - Allows users to place payments onto a customers account where there are no outstanding invoices or sales orders, it is also used when users are unable to ascertain what invoices they need to apply the payment too and are waiting for a remittance from the customer or to save customer overpayments to use at a later date

Pre-Pmt - Allows users to apply a payment to an outstanding sales order or service job

Save (F5) - Saves the postings for the selected customer

Cancel (F3) - Clears the screen allowing users to enter a customer code or select another batch of payments from the Cash Batch drop down arrow

Number 11

Posted - Displays a list of invoices that payments, on account amounts, credit notes and debtors journals have been applied to

Number 12

Update - Updates the current batch of payments

Close - Closes the screen without updating the current batch of payments

Reverse Invoice Payment - Allows users to remove a payment that may have been mistakenly applied against the wrong invoice. When a payment has been reversed off an invoice it will place an on account amount in the Cash/Credits section for the customer to be applied against the correct invoice. Please refer to Reversing an invoice payment for more information.



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