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Main Menu > Sales Invoice Enquiry

Main Menu > Debtors > Sales Invoice Enquiry


The Sales Invoice Enquiry program allows users to view sales invoices and credit notes.


Sales Invoice Enquiry Screen

Sales Invoice Enquiry Screen


Number 1

Displays the invoice/credit number and the date the invoice/credit was created as well as the status of the invoice/credit (Paid, Partially Paid, Updated, POS/Cash Sale, Applied, Service Job Parts Supplied)

Number 2

Header – Displays the customers details and delivery address details

Number 3

Totals – Displays a summary of the financial details of the invoice/credit

Number 4

Invoice Lines – Displays a list of products on the sales invoice/credit. When a product line is double clicked, a pop up box will display more detail of the product line. Please refer to Sales Invoice Enquiry - Line Detail for more information.

Number 5

Invoice Payment Analysis:

Terms - Displays the invoice payment terms that were applied to the invoice when it was generated based on the terms set in Customer Masterfile Maintenance.

Due Date - Displays the due date of the invoice based on the invoice payment terms.

Paid Date - Displays the date the invoice was paid. (If blank the invoice has yet to be paid in full).

Payment Days - Displays the number of days from invoice date to payment date and the number of days the payment was made early or late using the invoice payment terms. (If blank the invoice has yet to be paid in full).

Number 6

Messages - Allows users to view a list of messages attached to the Sales Invoice

messages sales invoice enquiry

Number 7

View Order - Navigates users to the Sales Order/Quote Enquiry screen allowing users to view the original sales order, NCN/CAR, POS transaction or service job the invoice/credit was created from

Number 8

Deliveries - Allows users to view a list of delivery dockets, manifests and proof of deliveries if part or all of the order has already been shipped. Please refer to Delivery Dockets, Manifests & PODs for more information.

Number 9

View Journal - Allows users with access to view the General Ledger Journal associated with the sales invoice.

Number 10

Generate Balance Due Invoice - Allows users to generate a balance due invoice (a balance due invoice displays the current balance due on the invoice excluding any payments or credit notes that have been applied to the invoice)

Number 11

Payments - Allows users to view payments that have been applied against the invoice or what invoices a credit note has been applied to.

Payments button screen

Number 12

View/Print PDF - Allows users to view, print or email a copy of the invoice

Number 13

Picking History - Allows users to view a list of the picking history.

SOE Picking History

View Pick Slip - Allows users to view the PDF of the Picking Slip

View Pick Run - Allows users to view the PDF of the Picking Run

Number 14

Global Customer Enquiry - Navigates users to the Global Customer Enquiry screen

Number 15

Notes & Attachments - Allows users to add/or view any Notes & Attachments that may be attached to the invoice. Please refer to Debtors Notes & Attachments for more information.

Number 16

Jump To (F8) -

1. Invoice/Credit Maintenance - Allows users to edit the invoice/credit (users will not be able to change the financials of an updated invoice)

2. Reverse Invoice/Credit - Allows users to reverse the invoice which will credit the invoice onto the customers account or reverse the credit which will generate an invoice

3. Copy to New Invoice/Credit - Allows users to create a copy of the invoice or credit note to either the same customer or another customer

4. Create NCN/CAR - Navigates users to the Non-Conformance/CAR Entry & Maintenance program to create an NCN/CAR based on the invoice selected.

5. Enter POS Payment/Refund - Allows users to enter a payment/refund for the selected invoice. Where the sales invoice is part paid, users will receive the below pop up message asking if they wish to process a payment or refund.


Where a sales invoice is fully paid users will be navigated to the Point of Sale - Receive Payment screen to issue a refund or where no payment has been applied to the selected sales invoice to take payment.

Please refer to POS - Customer Payment/Refund for more information.

Number 17

Navigates users to the Quick Attach File to Debtors Account screen to attach files to the sales invoice. Please refer to Quick Attach Files to Debtor Account for more information.

tog_minus Sales Invoice Enquiry - Line Detail


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