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The Leads button on the Main Menu allows users to view a list of Leads from the CRM.



Number 1

Allows the user to add a lead. Please refer to Add/Edit Lead Details.



Number 2


Tapping the options menu allows users to select to include Unqualified Leads, Snoozed Leads, and to select a user to filter the leads for only leads assigned to a specific user.

Number 3

Allows users to search for a lead.

Number 4

Leads will display below the lead search field using the criteria entered. Tapping a lead will navigate users to the Lead Details screen for the selected Lead.


The Lead Details screen has multiple tabs Outstanding Tasks, Notes & Attachments and Tasks History, with each tab described below. Please note: Some tabs within this section will only display approximately 100 of the most recent results, a search box is provided to allow users to filter records to view more items matching the search criteria.


Number 1


Tapping the options menu allows users to perform the following functions. Available options are dependant on users access permissions.


Add Note - Allows users to add a note for the selected customer. Please refer to Add a Note for more information.

Add Task - Allows users to add a task for the selected customer. Please refer to Add a Task for more information.

Edit Lead - Allows users to edit the lead's details. Please refer to to Add/Edit Lead for more information.

Snooze Lead - Allows users to snooze the lead. Please refer to to Snooze Lead for more information.

Update Status - Allows users to update the lead's status. Please refer to to Update Lead Status for more information.

Number 2

Outstanding Tasks - Displays the outstanding tasks tab for the lead. Please refer to Outstanding Tasks for more information.

Number 3

Notes & Attachments - Displays the Notes & Attachments tasks tab for the lead. Please refer to Notes & Attachments for more information.

Number 4

Task History - Displays the task history tab for the lead. Please refer to Task History for more information.


tog_minus Outstanding Tasks

tog_minus Notes & Attachments

tog_minus Tasks History

tog_plus Add/Edit Lead Details

The Add/Edit Lead Details screen allows users to add new leads, or edit existing leads.




Number 1

Lead - Displays the lead being added or edited.

Number 2

Leads Details  - Fields to enter or edit the lead's details.

Number 3

Save Lead - Saves the Lead.

tog_plus Snooze Lead

The Snooze Lead screen allows users to snooze a lead for a period of time to remove them from the leads list up until the snooze date.


snooze lead 20240513_133833

Number 1

Lead - Displays the lead details.

Number 2

Snooze Date  - Tap to enter a future date for this lead to be snoozed until.

Number 3

Snooze Lead - Snoozes the Lead.

tog_plus Update Lead Status

The Update Status screen allows users to update the status for a lead and to enter a note regarding the status change.


update lead status 20240513_133910

Number 1

Lead - Displays the lead details.

Number 2

Status - Allows the user to select a lead status.

Number 3

Comments - Allows the user to enter a comment regarding the status change.

Number 4

Update Status - Updates the lead status and saves the comment (if entered) as a note against the Lead.






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