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The Supplier button on the main menu allows users to search for a supplier and then navigate to the supplier enquiry for the selected supplier. A search can be performed by entering a supplier code or keyword/s to search for. Users can then tap on the relevant supplier and navigate to the Supplier Enquiry screen for the selected supplier.


Supplier search

Number 1

The supplier code or keyword/s to search for. Tapping the 'x' will clear the search box allowing users to enter a different code or keyword to search for.

Number 2

Tapping the double up arrow icon will navigate users back to the supplier enquiry screen for the previous viewed supplier. Where users have not viewed a supplier since the app was last closed tapping this icon will produce a blank screen.

Number 3


Tapping the options menu allows users to select to include Closed Accounts in the search results.

Number 4

Tapping the magnifying glass icon will perform the search using the criteria in the supplier search field.

Number 5

Suppliers will display below the supplier search field using the criteria entered. Tapping a supplier will navigate users to the Supplier Enquiry screen for the selected supplier.


The Supplier Enquiry has multiple tabs, Addresses, Contacts, CRM Custom Fields, Outstanding Purchase Orders, Outstanding Tasks, Notes & Attachments, Tasks History, Quote History and Order History with each tab described below. Please note: Some tabs within this section will only display approximately 100 of the most recent results, a search box is provided to allow users to filter records to view more items matching the search criteria.

supplier enquiry

Number 1

Tapping the magnifying glass allows users to search for another supplier.

Number 2

cust enq pop out 2

Tapping the options menu allows users to perform the following functions. Available options are dependant on users access permissions.

Add Note - Allows users to add a note for the selected supplier. Please refer to Add a Note for more information.

Add Task - Allows users to add a task for the selected supplier. Please refer to Add a Task for more information.

Add Contact - Allows users to add a contact for the selected supplier. Please refer to Adding and Editing Contacts.

Number 3

The top of the Supplier Enquiry screen displays general information relating to the selected supplier.

Supplier Code - Displays the supplier code for the selected supplier.

Supplier Name- Displays the supplier's name for the selected supplier.

Our Acc No - Displays the BBS account number for the selected supplier.

Supplier Type - Displays the supplier type for the selected supplier.

Contact - Displays the purchasing contact name for the selected supplier.

Phone - Displays the purchasing phone number for the selected supplier. Tapping on the phone number hyperlink will initiate a telephone call.

Email - Displays the email address for the selected supplier. Tapping the email address hyperlink will initiate an email (where an email account has been setup on the device).

Number 4

Addresses - Displays the addresses tab for the selected supplier. Please refer to Addresses for more information.

Number 5

Contacts - Displays the contacts tab for the selected supplier. Please refer to Contacts for more information.

Number 6

CRM Custom Fields - Displays the CRM Custom Fields tab for the selected supplier. Please refer to CRM Custom Fields for more information.

Number 7

Outstanding Purchase Orders - Displays the outstanding purchase orders tab for the selected supplier. Please refer to Outstanding Purchase Orders for more information.

Number 8

Outstanding Tasks - Displays the outstanding tasks tab for the selected supplier. Please refer to Outstanding Tasks for more information.

Number 9

Notes & Attachments - Displays the notes & attachments tab for the selected supplier. Please refer to Notes & Attachments for more information.

Number 10

Tasks History - Displays the tasks history tab for the selected supplier. Please refer to Tasks History for more information.

Number 11

Quote History - Displays the quote history tab for the selected supplier. Please refer to Quote History for more information.

Number 12

Order History - Displays the order history tab for the selected supplier. Please refer to Order History for more information.

tog_minus Addresses

tog_minus Contacts

tog_minus CRM Custom Fields

tog_minus Outstanding Purchase Orders

tog_minus Outstanding Tasks

tog_minus Notes & Attachments

tog_minus Task History

tog_minus Quote History

tog_minus Order History



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