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The Tasks (F12) screen within the Contact Relationship Manager is where users can view, edit, create, cancel and complete tasks for themselves and/or other users if user access allows. There are two different viewing formats for tasks, List View and Calendar View.
New - Allows users to create a new task. Please refer to Creating/Editing a Task for more information.
Tasks For - Clicking the drop down arrow allows users to select to view tasks for an individual user or for all users.
Calendar/List (F6) - Allows users to switch between List View and Calendar View.
Task Reminders - Navigates users to the CRM Task Reminders screen.
Refresh (F5) - Will refresh the tasks in the screen.
CRM Tasks - List View
The List View allows users to view a list of tasks for a selected period of time, category and/or priority.
Contact Relationship Manager Tasks Tab Screen - List view
Date Filter - Clicking the drop down arrow allows users to filter tasks due Today, This Week, Last 30 Days, Next 30 Days or All.
Category - Clicking the drop down arrow allows users to filter for a specific task category or All categories.
Priority - Clicking on the drop down arrow allows users to filter tasks with a specific priority or All priorities.
Search (F3) - Users can enter a keyword to search the data in the list box.
Displays the list of tasks based on the selected filters. Double clicking a task will allow users with access to edit the task.
View/Edit Task - Navigates users to the CRM - Add task screen. Please refer to Creating/Editing a Task for more information.
Complete Task - Allows users to enter completion details and complete the selected task. Please refer to Completing a Task for more information.
Cancel Task - Allows users with access to cancel the highlighted task(s).
Reschedule Task(s) - Allows users to reschedule the highlighted task(s) to another date. Please refer to Reschedule a Task for more information.
Reassign Task(s) - Allows users to reassign the highlighted task(s) to another user. Please refer to Reassign a Task for more information.
Hide Completed - When ticked completed tasks will be hidden.
More - Allows users to display more results if applicable.
Exports the list of Tasks to Excel.
Selected Task Detail:
Task - The task number for the selected task.
Set by/for - Displays the name of who created the selected task and the date it was created and the name of users the selected task was created for
Task For - Displays the customer/supplier/contact name the selected task applies to.
Clicking the Goto button will navigate users to the Customer/Supplier tab of the CRM with the Customer/Supplier/Contact selected for the highlighted task.
Completed - Displays the date the selected task was completed.
Detail - Displays the selected task details.
Start Date - The start date of the selected task.
Status - The status of the selected task.
Due Date - The due date of the selected task.
Navigates users to the CRM - Quick Attach Files screen to attach files to the selected task. Please refer to Quick Attach Files to CRM for more information.
Company/Contact Notes/Attachments/Tasks (F9) - Navigates users to CRM - Customer/Supplier Notes/Attachments/Tasks for the Customer/Supplier of the selected task. Please refer to Notes/Attachments/Tasks for more information.
Tasks's Notes/Attachments - Allows users to add and view Notes & Attachments attached to the selected task. Please refer to Task Notes/Attachments for more information.
CRM Tasks - Calendar View
The Calendar View allows users to view their tasks on either a monthly, weekly or daily calendar.
Contact Relationship Manager Tasks Tab Screen - Calendar view
View - Clicking the drop down arrow allows users to change the viewing format. Options are Month View, Week View, Day View, Show/Hide Weekends, Collapse/Expand Days, Show/Hide Completed Tasks.
Today - Navigates users to the current day.
Oldest O/S Task - Navigates users to the day for the oldest outstanding task.
Cancel - Allows users with access to cancel the highlighted task(s).
Reschedule - Allows users to reschedule the highlighted task(s) to another date. Please refer to Reschedule a Task for more information.
Reassign - Allows users to reassign the highlighted task(s) to another user. Please refer to Reassign a Task for more information.
Date Navigation - Clicking the single arrows will navigate users either forward or back a day if in day view or a week if in month or week view, the double arrows will navigate users forward or back a week in day view and a month in month or week view. A date can also be entered to navigate to that specific date.
Tasks Calendar - Displays the tasks calendar. Users can navigate around the calendar using the arrow keys, Page Up and Page Down keys.
Users can highlight one or more tasks, hold down the CTRL key, and drag and drop them onto a different date on the calendar to reschedule them.
Double clicking a task will allow users with access to edit/complete/cancel the task.
Creating/Editing a Task
Users can create new tasks for themselves or other users if user access permits. The ID number for new tasks will display as (New) until it has been saved.
CRM - Add Task Screen
Task ID - Displays the task ID number. The ID number for new tasks will display as (New) until it has been saved.
Task For User – Clicking the drop down arrow allows users to select users the task is for.
Attach To - By clicking the drop down arrow users can select to attach the task to a Customer, Contact, Supplier or Personal Task.
Attach To - The code for the Customer, Contact or Supplier or click to search. (Not available when Personal Task is selected).
Start Date - The task start date.
Time - The time the task is set to start on the start date. When unticked, the task will begin as per the start date.
Date Due - The date the task is due to be completed.
Reminder - When ticked, a reminder can be set and a pop up will alert users the task is attached to, of the task.
Date - The date for the reminder.
Time - The time for the reminder.
Template – Clicking the drop down arrow allows users to select from a list of templates that have been setup in your system. Please refer to CRM Settings/Configuration Maintenance for more information.
Category - Clicking the drop down arrow allows users to select a category from a list of categories that have been set up in your system. Please refer to CRM Settings/Configuration Maintenance for more information.
Notes & Attachments - Allows users to add/view notes and attachments for the selected task.Please refer to Task Notes/Attachments for more information.
Priority - Clicking the drop down arrow allows users to select a priority from a list of priorities that have been set up in your system. Please refer to CRM Settings/Configuration Maintenance for more information.
Details of the selected task.
Save Task - Saves the selected task and/or any changes.
Complete Task - Allows users to enter completion details and complete the selected task. Please refer to Completing a Task for more information
Cancel Task - Allows users with access to cancel the selected task.
Reschedule - Allows users to reschedule the selected task to another date. Please refer to Reschedule a Task for more information.
Completing a Task
When completing a task users can enter completion notes and schedule a follow up task if required.
CRM - Complete Task Screen
Task ID - Displays the task ID number.
Attached To - Displays the Customer, Contact or Supplier the task is attached to.
Set by/for - Displays the name of users who created the task and then name of users the task was created for.
Task - Displays the description of the task.
Completed Date - The task completion date.
Time - The time the task was completed on the completed date. When unticked, the task will complete as per the completed date.
Task Completion Note - Details of the completion notes.
Complete Task - Completes the selected task and allows users to create a follow up task if required. Where a follow up task is required and users has clicked Yes to the below message the CRM - Add Task screen will open.
Notes & Attachments - Allows users to add/view notes and attachments for the selected task.Please refer to Task Notes/Attachments for more information.
Task Notes/Attachments
Task Notes & Attachments Screen
Reschedule a Task
Reschedule a Task Screen
Tasks For - The operator code and name the selected task is for.
Current Due Date - The current date the selected task is due.
Displays a list of future dates and the tasks currently scheduled for those dates. Selecting a future date and clicking OK will reschedule the selected task to become due on the date selected.
More - Allows users to display more dates if applicable.
Reassign a Task
Reassign Tasks Screen
Current User - The operator code and name the selected task is currently assigned to.
New User - The operator code and name the selected task is being reassigned to. Clicking the drop down arrow allows users to select from a list of users.