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The Task button on the Main Menu allows users to view outstanding tasks and task history for both themselves and other users where access permissions allow. By default the Task tab will be expanded.

Please note: Some tabs within this section will only display approximately 100 of the most recent results, a search box is provided to allow users to filter records to view more items matching the search criteria.


BBSAtom Task menu

Number 1

Tasks Select User

Tapping the options menu allows users to select a different user and view their outstanding tasks and task history.

Number 2

Outstanding Tasks - Displays the outstanding tasks tab for the selected user. Please refer to Outstanding Tasks for more information.

Number 3

Task History - Displays the task history tab for the selected user. Please refer to Task History for more information.

tog_minus Outstanding Tasks

tog_plus Task History

Tapping the Tasks History tab will display a list of tasks history for the selected user. Users can enter keyword/s to search for a task, keywords used need to exist on the screen.

Tasks Task History

The task number and status is displayed.

Category - Displays the task category.

Contact - Displays the customer contact for the selected task.

Customer - Displays the customer for the selected task. Tapping the customer name will navigate users to the Customer Enquiry screen for that customer.

Created By - Displays the name of the operator who created the task.

Task For - Displays the name of the operator the task was created for.

Created - Displays the date the task was created.

Start Date - Displays the start date for the selected task.

Date Due - Displays the due date for the selected task.

Displays the detail of the selected task.

Completion Note - Displays the note entered as the completion note for the selected task.


Keyboard Navigation

F7 for caret browsing
Hold ALT and press letter

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