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Main Menu > Banking > Bank Reconciliation > Bank Statement Entry


The Bank Statement Entry program allows users to reconcile bank accounts set up in their system.


Bank Statement Entry Screen

Bank Statement Entry Screen


Number 1

Statement - Clicking the drop down arrow will allow users to select from a list of saved unupdated bank statements

New Statement - Creates a new bank statement entry. Refer to Creating a new Bank Statement for more information. Only one statement per bank code can be created at any one time.

Delete Statement - Deletes the selected bank statement entry

Edit Header - Allows users to edit the information entered into the header

Number 2

Displays the bank code, statement date and statement page number of the selected bank statement entry

Number 3

Trans Type (F3):

Receipt/Deposit - Displays a list of unreconciled receipts/deposits entered into BBS via Bank Deposit Entry

Payments/Withdrawal - Displays a list of unreconciled payments/withdrawals processed in BBS via Process Creditors Payments and/or Process/Finalise Payroll Payrun

Direct Debit - Allows users to manually enter debits from the bank account

Direct Credit - Allows users to manually enter credits into the bank account

Debtors Account - Places an entry directly onto the Debtors account and can be entered as a negative or a positive

Creditors Account - Places an entry directly onto the Creditors account and can be entered as a negative or a positive

Bank Transfer Out - Allows users to create a bank transfer out of the selected bank account to another bank account within BBS (When entering a bank transfer out, an entry will be added to the Receipts/Deposits on the opposing bank code when the statement is updated.)

Bank Transfer In - Allows users to create a bank transfer in to the selected bank account from another bank account within BBS (When entering a bank transfer in, an entry will be added to the Payments/Withdrawals on the opposing bank code when the statement is updated.)

Quick Transaction - Users can select from a list of Quick Transactions that have been set up in BBS. Please refer to Quick Transaction Maintenance for more information.

Number 4

Navigates users to the Quick Attach Files to G/L Journal screen to attach files to the bank statement entry. Please refer to Quick Attach Files to G/L Journal for more information.

Number 5

Unreconciled Items – Displays a list of unreconciled transactions for the selected Trans Type.

Number 6

Select - Selects the highlighted transaction and moves it to Reconciled Items. Users can also double click a transaction to move it to Reconciled Items.

Select All - Moves all transactions for the selected Trans Type to Reconciled Items

View Detail - Navigates users to the relevant enquiry screen for the highlighted transaction

Rec Date - Allows users to change the date to the actual date the transaction occurred in the bank account, otherwise it will be recorded as the current processing date

Total Selected - Displays the total amount of the highlighted transactions

Number 7

Sel Debits - Displays the total amount of debits that have been selected

B/S Debits - Displays the total amount of debits entered into the bank statement header as per the bank statement

Debits Var - Displays the variance, if any, between selected and B/S debits

Sel Credits - Displays the total amount of credits that have been selected

B/S Credits - Displays the total amount of credits entered into the bank statement header as per the bank statement

Credit Var - Displays the variance, if any, between selected and B/S credits

Calc balance - Displays the calculated balance of the transactions that have been selected or manually entered

Actual Balance - Displays the actual balance that was entered into the header screen as per the bank statement

Bal Var - Displays the variance, if any, between the calculated balance and actual balance. Unbalanced bank statements cannot be updated.

Number 8

Reconciled Items - Displays a list of reconciled transactions

Number 9

Deselect - Removes the highlighted transaction from the Reconciled Items list (Receipt/Deposit and Payments/Withdrawal transactions will move back into the Unreconciled Items box while all other transaction types will be deleted)

Edit Item - Allows users to edit the highlighted transaction (Receipt/Deposit and Payments/Withdrawal transactions cannot be edited)

Number 10

Auto Match - Allows users to automatically reconcile transactions that have been matched via Bank Transaction Feeds after the bank statement entry was created.

Number 11

Save and Exit - Saves the selected bank statement entry and closes the screen without updating so users can make changes at a later date

Save and Update - Saves and Updates the selected bank statement entry. Users will no longer be able to make changes

tog_plus Creating a new Bank Statement


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