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Main Menu > NCN/CAR/Return Goods > NCN/CAR Enquiry


The NCN/CAR Enquiry program allows users to view NCN/CARs. To create, edit and cancel NCN/CARs, please refer to Creating & Maintaining NCN/CARs.


NCN/CAR Enquiry Screen

NCN/CAR Enquiry Screen



Number 1

Displays the NCN/CAR number and the date the CAR was created and completed as well as the customers details and reason for NCN/CAR.

Number 2

Displays the type (Internal Non-Conformance, Goods Return/Pick-Up, Qty/Price/Cost Adjustment or  Freight Adjustment) and status (Non-Conformance, CAR, Complete or Cancelled) of the NCN/CAR as well as the return method and pick up address details if applicable. It will also display what Other Options were selected at the creation of the NCN/CAR.

Number 3

Navigates users to the Quick Attach File to Debtors Account screen to attach files to the NCN/CAR. Please refer to Quick Attach Files to Debtor Account for more information.

Number 4

Messages - Allows users to view a list of messages attached to the selected NCN/CAR.



Number 5

Return Fees – Allows user to view a list of Returns Fees attached to the selected NCN/CAR.



Number 6

Audit Trail – For future development.

Number 7

Deliveries - Navigates users to Delivery Dockets, Manifests & PODs for the selected NCN/CAR.

Number 8

Displays the original invoice number, credit note and re-invoice numbers attached to the selected NCN/CAR, clicking magnifying glass will navigate users to Sales Invoice Enquiry for the selected invoice/credit.

Number 9

Displays a list of products on the NCN/CAR. When a product line is double clicked, a pop up box will display more detail of the product line. Please refer to NCN/CAR Enquiry - Line Detail for more information

Number 10

Print NCN/CAR - Allows users to view on screen or print the selected NCN/CAR

Number 11

Notes & Attachments - Allows users to add/or view any Notes & Attachments that may be attached to the NCN/CAR. Please refer to Debtor Notes & Attachments for more information.

Number 12

Global Customer Enquiry - Navigates users to Global Customer Enquiry for the customer of the selected NCN/CAR.

Number 13

Jump To (F8) -

1. NCN/CAR Maintenance - Navigates users to NCN/CAR Entry & Maintenance (not applicable for completed CARs)

2. NCN/CAR Goods Receipt - Navigates users to NCN/CAR Goods Receipt (not applicable for completed CARs)

3. NCN/CAR Completion - Allows users to complete the CAR and raise the relevant invoices/credits.

tog_minus NCN/CAR Enquiry - Line Detail


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