Once you are ready to commence stocktake, you need to create a new stocktake in BBS.
Ensure that end of day reconciliation’s and invoice updates are all complete prior to creating a new Stocktake.
Stock committed to sales orders that has not yet been invoiced (eg not yet picked, or part picked and not invoiced) MUST BE COUNTED in the stocktake. Any stock invoiced and not updated (ie 'stock on consignment' should NOT BE COUNTED in the stocktake).
1.Open the Stocktake Control Panel
2.Click the New Stocktake button.
Click OK to select all product groups and all bin locations if counting an entire warehouse, or enter required product groups and/or required bin numbers for a rolling stocktake. Tick Create Blank Stocktake to create a new stocktake with no products selected to be counted. (Only the products that are then entered/scanned into the stocktake will be considered in the stocktake and will have their quantities adjusted as required).
When using manual entry or barcode scanning, click on Enter Physical Counts. If using Count Sheets to count stock please refer to Stocktake Procedure - Using Count Sheets for more information.
2.From Entry Type drop down box select the required stocktake entry type. Please refer to Stocktake Entry Type for more information.
3.Scan or search for the product > Enter the quantity counted > Add (F7) (or enter) > scan/search for next product. Continue entering products and entering counts. (It is recommended that you click Save Entries after you have completed a section or a shelf and then continue with the next section or shelf).
NOTE: You will need to pay particular attention to the UOM of the product being counted to ensure accuracy (this is displayed beside the Qty Counted field). If you are unsure please click on the Global Inventory Enquiry button to confirm the UOM based on the sell price and/or cost price.
If you’ve counted a product before, and attempt to count it again, the following message will appear.
If you have found additional stock of a product you’ve previously counted (ie the product is stored in multiple locations in your warehouse), you need to enter the amount previously counted, plus the stock you have found. In this example, 128 were counted previously. An additional 5 have been found later so you would need to enter the total of the stock for that product as 133.
Otherwise, if you are recounting something you’ve already counted before, and you need to correct the previous count, enter the total quantity for that product that has been counted. In this example, 128 were counted previously however on a recount it was found that there was only 125 of the product, so you would enter 125.
4.Run the Count Discrepancy Report by clicking Count Discrepancy Report.
a.The stocktake number should come up automatically.
b.From the Items with inconsistent counts only drop down box select No
The Count Discrepancy Report will display a list of products where there is a variance between what BBS says you should have and to what you have counted, it will also show you how many times you have counted a product and the quantity each time it was counted.
5.Perform (re- count) using Stocktake Discrepancy Report.
Count should match one of the counted qty's in the Count History column or Book Qty.
a.Only counts not equal to the count qty column need to be re-entered.
b.From Entry Type drop down box select required entry type. Please refer to Stocktake Entry Types for more information.
c.Enter each product code, or product code/RNO (Lotted Items Record Number) combination, and the correct count quantity.
It is recommended the below reports are run and saved for future reference.
A.Print Count Discrepancy Report (total variance) from Stocktake Control Panel.
i.Stocktake number should come up automatically
ii.From Items with inconsistent counts only drop down box select No
iii.From Sort By drop down box select Product Group
B.Print Stocktake Physical Count Report from Stocktake Control Panel.
i.Stocktake number should come up automatically
ii.From Sort By drop down box select Product Group
6.Run Update Stocktake Results from Stocktake Control Panel to finalise the stocktake and update all the results.
i.Printing of Audit Trail is optional.