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Main Menu > Inventory Control > Stocktake > Stocktake Control Panel


The Stocktake Control Panel program allows users to create a stocktake for their entire warehouse or rolling stocktakes for specific product groups and/or bin locations.


Stocktake Control Panel Screen

Stocktake Control Panel Screen


Number 1

New Stocktake - Creates a new stocktake. Please refer to Stocktake Procedure - Using Counts Sheets or Stocktake Procedure - Using Manual Entry or Barcode Scanning for more information.

Cancel Stocktake - Cancels the selected stocktake.

View Historical Stocktake - Allows users to view previous stocktakes that have been completed.


Double clicking a line will navigate users to the Stocktake Control Panel displaying the selected stocktake details to users.

Number 2

Stocktake - Displays the selected stocktake number, operator code, date and time the stocktake was created. Clicking the drop down arrow allows users to select from a list of open stocktakes.

Warehouse - Displays the warehouse number the selected stocktake is being performed in.

Status - Displays the current status of the selected stocktake.

Product Groups - Displays the product groups included in the selected stocktake.

Bin Locations - Displays the bin locations included in the selected stocktake.

Number 3

Stocktake Summary:

Standard Inventory Items Selected - Displays the quantity of standard inventory items included in the selected stocktake.

Standard Inventory Items Counted - Displays the quantity of standard inventory items counted in the selected stocktake.

Standard Inventory % Counted - Displays the percentage of standard inventory items counted.

Lotted Inventory Items Selected - Displays the quantity of lotted inventory items included in the selected stocktake.

Lotted Inventory Items Counted - Displays the quantity of lotted inventory items counted in the selected stocktake.

Lotted Inventory % Counted - Displays the percentage of lotted inventory items counted.

Stocktake Count Sheets produced - Displays the number of count sheets produced for the selected stocktake.

Stocktake Count Sheets entered - Displays the number of counts sheets where physical counts have been entered.

Stocktake Counts Sheets % entered - Displays the percentage of count sheets entered.

Number of Counts - Displays the number of counts that have been conducted.

Number of Teams on first count - Displays the number of teams involved in the first count for the selected stocktake.

Number 4

Stocktake Results:

Book Value - Displays the value of stock included in the selected stocktake as per the stock ledger.

Value Counted - Displays the value of stock that has been counted in the selected stocktake.

Stock value loss - Displays the stock value loss of product counts where the counted quantity is less than the book quantity.

Stock value gain - Displays the stock value gain of product counts where the counted quantity is greater than the book quantity.

Net Variance - Displays the net variance value of Book Value vs Value Counted.

Net % variance - Displays the net percentage variance of Book Value vs Value Counted.

Items found with no Average Cost - Displays the number of items included in the selected stocktake that have no average cost (ie zero value products)

Number 5

Generate & Print Count Sheets - Allows users to generate and print stock count sheets for distribution to counts teams. Please refer to Generate & Print Count Sheets for more information.

Enter Physical Counts - Allows users to enter the physical counts. Please refer to Stocktake Physical Count Entry for more information.

Count Discrepancy Report - Generates a report allowing users to view count discrepancies. Please refer to Stocktake Discrepancy Report for more information.

Physical Count Report - Generates a report allowing users to view physical count entries. Please refer to Stocktake Physical Count Report for more information.

Update Stocktake Results - Updates the stocktake results and completes the selected stocktake.

Exit (F4) - Allows users to exit the selected stocktake without updating.


To create a new stocktake using count sheets, please refer to Stocktake Procedure - Using Count Sheets for more information.


To create a new stocktake using manual entry or barcode scanning, please refer to Stocktake Procedure - Using Manual Entry or Barcode Scanning for more information.


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