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Main Menu > Inventory Control > Supplier Product Catalogues > Supplier Product Catalogue Data Matching


The Supplier Product Catalogue Data Matching program allows users to perform five different functions with the data available in Supplier Product Catalogues via the five tabs. These tabs are Possible Product Matches, Possible Incorrect Matches, Possible UOM/CVF Problems, Cost/RRP Changes and Possible Discontinued Products.


All records loaded into the five tabs on this screen will start with a clip1856icon in the left most column. Records still showing with the clip1856icon will be ignored and unaffected when the Update Selections buttons is pressed and therefore will be displayed again the next time this screen is recalculated. Only items marked with a clip1857, clip1858 or a clip1859 will be affected when updating. This allows users to progressively work on the items in each tab, updating as they go, over a period of time.


PLEASE NOTE: It is recommended that users deal with the data in each tab left to right one at a time, and use the Update Selections button to save the changes made in each tab prior to moving onto the next one. This process will ensure that all corrections to the BBS product masterfile are saved to data prior to any prices being imported from the supplier product catalogues.



When the screen is first opened, the recalc screen will appear to allow users to select a single supplier or all suppliers.



tog_minus Possible Product Matches

tog_minus Possible Incorrect Matches

tog_minus Possible UOM/CVF Problems

tog_minus Cost/RRP Changes

tog_minus Possible Discontinued Products


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