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Main Menu > Service & Maintenance > Service Job Enquiry



The Service Job Enquiry program allows users to view Service Jobs. To create, edit and cancel Service Jobs, please refer to Creating & Maintaining Service Jobs.


Service Job Enquiry Screen

Service Job Enquiry Screen


Number 1

Displays the service job number and the date and time the service job was created as well as the type and status of the service job.


The status values include:

a)Equipment or Customer/Site


b)Active / Quote Only / Template / Completed / Invoiced / Cancelled


c)Parts Backorder / Parts in Stock / Parts Released (where parts are involved)


d)On Hold (where the job is ticked to be on hold (see below)


e)Part Complete (where Work Performed has been entered)

Number 2

Basic Service Job Details:

Service W/H - Displays the service warehouse code.

Priority - Displays the selected service job priority.

Due Date - Displays the selected service job due date.

S/A - Displays the service agreement if applicable for the selected service job.

Work Type - Displays the selected service job work type.

Work Loc'n - Displays the work location of the selected service job.

Invoice - Displays the invoice number for the selected service job. (Only applicable for completed service jobs).

Number 3

Equipment Details:

Equipment ID - Displays the equipment ID number for the selected service job.

Serial Number - Displays the serial number of the equipment ID.

Manufacturer - Displays the manufacturer of the product for the equipment ID.

Product - Displays the product code and description of the equipment ID.

Model No - Displays the model number of the product for the equipment ID.

Ref Src - Displays the referral source selected when the service job was created.

Number 4

Work/Equipment Customer Details - Displays the customer's address details for where the equipment for the selected service job is located.

Billing/Invoice Customer Details - Displays the customers address details for billing/invoicing purposes.

Number 5

Fault Reported/Work Required - Displays a list of faults reported/work required.

Work Performed - Displays a list of work performed.


NOTE: For a reoccurring service job, this section is replaced with the Recurrence Details which shows the schedule for the reoccurring job.


Number 6

Service Job Profit Analysis - Displays a summary of costs and charges for the selected job.

Number 7

Navigates users to the Quick Attach Files to Service Equipment screen to attach files to the Service Job. Please refer to Quick Attach Files to Service Equipment for more information.

Number 8

Audit Trail - Allows users to view the Audit Trail for the selected service job.



Number 9

Addresses & Locations - Allows users to view the Addresses and Locations for the selected service job.



Number 10

Labour & Sub-Contractors - Allows users to view labour and/or sub-contractor charges for the selected service job.



Number 11

Parts - Allows users to view a list of parts required and released for the selected service job.



Number 12

Sundry Charges - Allows users to view sundry invoice charges for the selected service job.



Number 13

Messages - Allows users to view messages for the selected service job.



Number 14

Global Customer Enquiry - Navigates users to Global Customer Enquiry.

Number 15

Global Equipment Enquiry - Navigates users to Global Equipment Enquiry.

Number 16

Global Inventory Enquiry - Navigates users to Global Inventory Enquiry.

Number 17

Invoice Enquiry - Navigates users to Sales Invoice Enquiry.

Number 18

Jump To (F8) -

1. Service Job Maintenance - Navigates users to Service Job Entry/Maintenance  to edit the selected service job (users will not be able to edit a completed service job)

2. Service Job Completion - Navigates users to Service Job Completion to complete the selected service job.

Number 19

Print Work Orders/WSD/Pick-Up Req - Allows users to print/send work orders, workshop dockets or equipment pick-up requests.

Number 20

Print Completed Service Job - Allows users to print an Equipment Service Report.

Number 21

Print Return Docket - Allows users to print an Equipment Return Docket.

Number 22

Notes & Attachments - Allows users to add/or view any Notes & Attachments that may be attached to the service job. Please refer to Service Equipment Notes & Attachments for more information.


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