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The Delivery Runs button on the main menu allows users to view the delivery manifest/s created in BBS Accounting for the selected run/driver or create a new delivery manifest. To use the delivery run feature users will need to create or edit Driver/Runs in Driver/Run Maintenance and mark them to track deliveries and PODs, and any Ship Via methods used for deliveries that will need to be tracked on BBS Atom will also need to be marked for tracking deliveries and PODs in Ship Via/Courier Maintenance. Please refer to Delivery Run Procedure for more information.



Number 1


When tapped, the screen will refresh retrieving any new relevant data from BBS Accounting.

Number 2


When tapped, will allow users to create a new delivery run. Please refer to Creating New Delivery Run for more information.

Number 3

Run/Driver - Tapping the drop down arrow allows users to select a run/driver to create or view delivery runs for. Please refer to Driver/Run Maintenance for more information.

Number 4

Users can enter keyword/s to search for a specific delivery that has already been added to a delivery run.


Users will be able to view a list of delivery dockets/returns that have been added to the selected delivery run by tapping the date title or up/down arrows, which will expand or collapse the respective sections.  


Delivery runs are automatically grouped into drops where multiple deliveries or pick,-ups are being performed at the same address.



Number 1


When tapped, users will be able to manually reorder the current drop order. This can be done in two ways, please refer to Manual Reorder Mode for more information.

Number 2


When tapped, user will be able to enter a starting warehouse location and an ending warehouse location for the selected delivery run to optimise the delivery route as suggested by Google Maps. Please refer to Auto Reorder Mode for more information.

Number 3


When tapped, allows users to add more deliveries/pickups to the selected delivery run. Please refer to Add Items to Delivery Run for more information.

Number 4


When tapped, the selected delivery run will expand/collapse.

Number 5

Area - Displays the area and driver name for the selected driver/run.

Number 6

Displays the drop order number of total drops as well as the number of items for the selected drop.

Number 7

Displays the customer/supplier code, name, delivery/pick-up address and contact details for the selected drop/pickup. Tapping the customer/supplier hyperlink will navigate users to the Customer/Supplier Enquiry for the customer/supplier.

Tapping the address hyperlink or pin will navigate to Google Maps on the device showing the address location.

Tapping the phone number hyperlink will open the mobile phone dialler with the phone number pre-populated  for calling.

Number 8

A list of deliveries/pick ups will be displayed for that drop.

Number 9

Tapping the PDF icon will allow users to view the transaction on the device. i.e Delivery Docket, NCN/CAR Pick Up Request etc.

Number 10

Tapping the rubbish bin icon will remove the transaction from the delivery run. This button will only be visible if there is a delivery docket and the type isn't a sales order.


Number 11

Record Delivery/Pickup - When tapped, users will be able to record the delivery/pickup details. Please refer to Record Delivery/Pickup for more information.

tog_minus Creating New Delivery Run


tog_minus Add Items to Delivery Run

tog_minus Manual Reorder Mode

tog_minus Auto Reorder Mode

tog_minus Record Delivery/Pickup


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